- INTRO AND BRANDING – In the first step of this sequence, you’ll want to inform viewers about who you are and where else they can connect with your brand. Ex: Facebook or Twitter.
- TELL THEM WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM – Immediately after your brief intro, you need to explain 2 things: WHY they should watch and HOW LONG the video is going to run/
- GIVE THEM THE VALUE – Here, you actually deliver whatever information you promised in your title. Youtube videos are great places to explain concepts.
- RECAP WITH A CONCLUSION – This is the part where you “tell them what you told them.” You may say something like, “Today we learned about Timeline and how it works…
- ADVISE THEM – Offer some advice based on the information you just gave the viewer it may be a recommendation, encouragement, or even a warning; you just need to impart some form of helpful advice.
- CALL-TO-ACTION (CTA) – Memorize this mantra: READ, LEAD or BUY — ALL of your videos should have a CTA that asks viewers to become a reader, subscribe to your list or make a purchase.
- DRAG AT THE END – Once you’ve delivered the CTA, leave a little dead time for emphasis. It may just be silence with an arrow pointing down to the link you’re promoting. You don’t want the video to simply end, because Google will immediately suggest other videos inside the player and your link will disappear.
If you need help creating amazing videos to help market your business check out some of our projects here or get in touch with us!