Negative Social Media Response Guide
If your business has been tagged in a message written by an angry customer, how do you proceed?
- Message Received
Read the message carefully to determine the root of the problem. How can you help?
- Take A Screenshot
Document the message. It can be used for training or to share with a co-worker who might want to follow up.
- Don’t Delete
Deleting messages rather than addressing them head-on conveys you might have something to hide. (Sometimes, inappropriate comments need to be deleted. If you find a comment to be derogatory, exercise your own judgment or refer to your organization’s code of conduct.)
- Don’t Delay
Timing is everything. Most social users expect to see a response within 1 hour. If necessary, follow up with your team members to give your customer a satisfactory answer.
- Keep your Cool
Draft your response. Remember the basics of good customer service. Your response will be judged by all your followers.
- Respond
Send your response. If possible, provide an apology and a solution. This is your opportunity to turn a disgruntled customer into an advocate for your brand! (Reread your final draft before sending. Ask yourself if you would feel comfortable saying it to the customer’s face.)
Lastly, Monitor the response.
Congratulations, you’ve just managed your first negative social media comment. Continue to monitor your social spaces to track any activity that happens after you’ve done your part. If you could use more creative ways to market on social media be sure to check out our social media marketing.